Why Need to Learn Realistic Rendering?
1. Prepare to Solicit Feedback for Rapid Iterations.
2. Achieve Precise Visual Communication for Phase-Appropriate Feedback.
3. Don't Let Your CAD Skills Define Your Design Ability.
4. A Solid Rendering Plan will Challenge You to Elevate Your CAD Skills.
Four Points to A Good Rendering
by Prof. Thomas Osborne, UC, DAAP.
1. Perspective has to be correct.
2. Light against dark.
3. Warn against cool.
4. If you are REALLY good, you can break the first three rules.
Mastercopy Practice
Students mastercopy work by DAAP ID Class of 2027
Step-by-step Demos
Materials & Lighting
Presentation Drawing Demos

Reference of value and shade, more resources

Value and Shade Basic

Interior 3

Personal Vehicle Interior



Personal Vehicle

Gray Sedan

Inflated Chair

Orthographic Rendering_speaker

Glossy surface_procreate

Cyber Agent_Procreate

Procreate Type C rendering

Door lever set_procreate

Perspective Drawing Practice – Slice Art

Presenting and Conveying Emotion

Practicing Different Styles

Material and Rendering Step by Step in Procreate

PS4 Monster by Procreate

PS4 Rendering in Procreate

Airship 2020 | Photoshop


AI-Aeron Chair

illustrator-Gaming Controllers

illustrator rendering-video demo