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Creation Requires Full Commitment

Deliverable Expectations

The first project in this linked page is a strong sophomore ID project (by Zumbi Rodriguez). Zumbi kept going back to his target users to get feedback. His craftsmanship was really good. His design was still limited by his CAD skills. His sketch was not the best in my summer studio, and he’s still developing his graphic design. His rationale in exploring solutions is robust and genuine, it is a convincing outcome. (This is NOT a portfolio example, just a project timeline, basically, what were delivered around the midterm stage.)
A true design process is NOT a show, NOT a bunch of checkboxes, Be Sincere!
If applicable, the UC Chair Studio video from 2012 is pretty impressive; use it as a benchmark to create assets. DAAP was on a quarterly schedule, which was 10-week fast-paced project.
the sketchbook link were drawings from Benjamin Bailey, (the white chair-Coast). The link is accessible with UC credentials.

Design Excellence Can Be Embraced,

Worked Towards and Achieved

in ANY Product Category.

“You might think smoke alarms and thermostats are a cool home consumer product to work on. But they weren’t always. Not until Nest did their work.” from Nick Chubb, Design Director at IDC.

An Iterative Down Selection Process

Prepare to Cycle Back and Forth from Lo-Fi to Hi-Fi.

Make sure your design proposals cover the whole spectrum and include different approaches.
Practical approach (Critical thinking, Why +How) <——————-> Creative thinking (Why Not, here’s How)
Karsyn_Class of 2025_Mushroom Growing Kit_Ideation

You won’t address everything, so set priorities based on what will maximize value for your target audience/users.

For any topic in a saturated market, Read this: how to integrate business perspective in this product lines, integrate business consideration, e.g. use bold language to raise awareness, and inspire early adoption!

Please Do NOT Prototyping for the Sake of Prototyping

Does it help you think? Does it help create a proof of concept? Explain the purpose, how you minimize bias, and share your insights during any presentation. I personally value prototypes more than the final 3D printed representations. Rationale is the top priority of a design narrative—how and why you made those choices.

Dynamic Ergonomic Study

“A doctor complained about the pain they experienced while operating on a patient, specifically how difficult it was to reach certain angles and how painful it became after spending a certain duration in the OR.”

Include Timestamps to Observe How Things Interact,

Adding 4th Dimension to Account for Dynamic Factors

Ergonomics is more than just static. It is necessary to observe how things interact, operate and changes within a specific time frame, integrating time as a factor in ergonomic analysis. Adding a 4th dimension for dynamic factors and incorporating timestamps in the validation process.
the linked book accessible with a UC credential.

Ideation Sketches

Sketching is not just for show or merely a skill; it is developed to solicit feedback for quick iterations. Keep the quality of assets in mind—it will save you time in the end.
1. Clear Communication. 2. Be Critical. 3.Be Explorative. 4. Be Exhaustive.
Personally, I believe the most essential part of sketch is the analytical sketch, which visualizes concepts and maps them out before they are fully formed in your mind. Visualization aids in deeper thinking. Externalize your mental images, externalize your thoughts, people. This is the first step of ideation sketches.
However, the fidelity of design communication depends on your audience, which is why we need high-fidelity DesCom in formal presentation.

Never Bring any thumbnails to any formal presentation occasions. Be professional, and respect your audience. Always flesh it out further.

If you are concerned about your CAD skill, prepare yourself for manual rendering, people including me want to see a design solution, not a CAD model. However, you have to practice CAD to survive the job search.

This is step-by-step how you should train yourself, Why you need to master this and how you should use it for quick iteration. 


AIGC Amplifies the False Accusation That Aesthetics in Design Are Inherently Superficial.
Aesthetics is always a part of design; it elevates design messages by engaging with user needs across all sensory experiences and making informed decisions about materials and processes. It incorporates business strategies to enhance the practical applications of design solutions.
Aesthetic is one of the essentials we need to enhance the critical and creative efforts.

Quality of the Assets

Josh Rising, UCID, Class of 2027
Develop analytical sketches for your benefit. Josh from my sophomore studio made high-quality analytical studies that are also Portfolio-worthy.
Ryan Eder, UCID, Class of 2006
Even if it is just for identifying problem specifics, Ryan didn’t use photos. Use every opportunity to show how capable you are. Use your skill set to show a design narrative in your portfolio/ DAAPworks.